If YOU or Anyone You Know wants to help my family build a theatre for our old grade school back in the Philippines, listen up.
My family is setting up a clearinghouse account in my name, but ALL donations will go to Remedios School. We need to reach $4,000.00, and to date we've got about 1/4 of that.
Every little bit helps. I've been to this school; we're talking about dirt floors and 1 textbook for thirty kids, the usual third world stuff, but they're also very proud of having put together a school out of scratch and of having built it up gradually over the years. The kids lucky enough to be able to go save up for months so they can wear starched white uniforms, as often barefoot as not.
I undertake to send full accountings and receipts back to you. Please make out cheques or money orders to:
Paul J. Susi
P.O. Box 3072
Portland, OR 97208
Sorry, we haven't set up non-profit status or anything like that, they're trying to start building the theatre before the summer heat hits. But like I said, accountings will be sent to you. And write or e-mail if you have any questions.
Welcome to my Family. You're a kickass, ghetto-fabulous, uber-magnificent mighty-mighty poet-warrior for your interest in this. Yes, you are. Don't try to hide it. Especially you, dear Lioness.
All fine and dandy but please GO FIX YOUR TEMPLATE ALREADY! This is grating my nerdy blackboard.
Will get on to pestering friends abt donating. Expect some time to elapse, Porties can't be rushed.
Um, heh, right. My Template. A bit misleading, to pretend that it's "Mine", since that would imply that I know anything about fixing it.
But I'll get right on that, thanks. No worries. In Pinoy time, if we, say, set an appointment for 8:00, we expect people Thursday.
Alright, go to the dashboard (click on the pretty Blogger icon) and choose Change Settings. Then choose Template. Now, on a different window open my blog and look for the post I mentioned before. Do as explained in red. Click on Save. Click on Republish.
If you have any problems email me. But it's really easy. Or, change your password, give it to me, I'll change it for you, and then you change password back to what it is now and all done. But do try to fix it, nerddom is cool - and I promise you, it IS easy.
I looked for my previous comment w instruction to make sure they were kosher for neophytes and cannot find it. Maybe I only dreamt I wrote it? bUT i COULD HAVE SWORN. aNYway, go to my drop-down menu and choose Nerdiction, then click on Blogger Needs Jay's Help, read bit in red. Etc. GOOD LUCK.
Followed your instructions; I must say, I failed to notice what was wrong with "my" Template to begin with, and now it just looks like everything's been shoved over 50 pixels.
By the way, do you know that your drop-down menu flickers strangely every time I attempt to access it?
It flickers bcs you use Firefox right? Don't even get me started on bloody firefox!
There is nothing wrong w your template per se, the pictures are simply too wide for the set width of your pots and it throws the little man behind the screen. When you increase the pixel number you give the post more space and it no longer needs to be down at the bottom, where no sidebar lives. Theoretically. If you've changed it IN THE RIGHT PLACE I don't see why it's not working. You can try decreasing the size of the pics, that should nip it in the bud.
I'm a nerd, I'm a nerd! Back to normal now, normal's always good.
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